ACGH Christian Bible Seminary Deacon Teaching Certificate 36-Credits
The teaching can be done in any location by a Deacon or Minister (Apostle, Prophet, Pastor, Evangelist, or Ministerial Teacher) only, the focus is that a new comer into the office of Deaconship knows how to perform all of services of the church. Deacon training must start with the basic certificate class
Services to the Church
Devotion - areas the deacons support the pastors and church *What is a deacon *Deacons relationship with other church offices *What deacons do *Morning Service Order *Evening Programs Order 1. Special Days 2. New Years 3. Thanksgiving 4. Holy Week 5. Palm Sunday 6. Good Friday 7. Resurrection Day 8. Season Events 9, Christmas 10. Watch Service 11. Mother's Day and Father's day Pulpit Order of Service and deacon support Benedictions Position for deacons Prayers by deacons What deacons do for dedication services 1. New Home 2, Church or Ministry 3. Child 4. Burning the Church Mortgage What Deacons do for Baptismal Service What Deacons do for Church Weddings Service What Deacons do for Church Funeral Service What Deacons do for For New Membership What Deacons do for Church Installations 1. Pastor 2. Officers 3. Licensing Ministers 4. Ordination 5. Pastor Search What Deacons do for For Church Programs What Deacons do for For The Lord's Supper